Sudbury Lodge #4529...

Welcome to Sudbury on-line...

Welcome to the web-site of the Sudbury Lodge, here you will find a few pages put together to help you discover more about Fremasonry in general and our lodge inparticular.   We typically hold four meetings a year, on the first Monday in October, December, February and April, and then break for five months during the summer.

Are you on twitter?

We have a twitter account for Sudbury Lodge, which is managed by the web-master, follow us for 'Sudbury' news, meetings and updates.

We are an active Lodge, with have regular White Tables and Ladies Festival's.   We also hold frequent Lodge of Instruction (LoI) meetings, which are also open to visiting brethren.



We have a Lodge meeting at 16:00 on Monday, the 7th of April 2025.

Click on our calendar for a full list of events over the next six/twelve months, the majority of which relate specifically to Sudbury Lodge, but may also include other events relating to the Province of Middlesex, Masonry in general or the Harrow District Masonic Centre.

No 4529


Several of the Founders were from the Sudbury Area.  As most of the surrounding localities had a Middlesex Lodge named after their geographical districts, the Founders decided on "The Sudbury Lodge" to complete the full complement of Lodges in NW Middlesex.  The crest was designed with the church in Harrow-on-the-Hill to show the beautiful surroundings.  The motto of the John Lyon School, "Floreat Haec Mansio" was incorporated in the hope that the Sudbury Lodge would flourish likewise.

W.Bro. P. G. Hooper

Our Lodge was consecrated on Tuesday, the 19th of June 1923, making it 102 years old this year, and here we have included a little history and brief description of the lodge and the crest as published in a book of Middlesex Lodges.  On Monday the 19th of June we celebrated our Centenary with a Banner dedication, a meeting few had seen before.

We hold all our meetings at the Harrow District Masonic Centre (HDMC) in Kenton, Middlesex, one of four Masonic Centres in Middlesex... click here for details and directions.

~ Search ~

Use our search box to search our web-site for dates, information or masonic docuemnts, but if you can't find what you are looking for please get in touch and we will be pleased to try and help.

So, if you are thinking about joining a lodge in the Harrow / Middlesex area or are thinking of becoming a Freemason we invite you to browse our pages and get in touch if you would like any further information or guildance.

~ Associated bodies ~

The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) is the governing body of Craft Freemasonry in England, Wales and the Channel Islands.   Its headquarters are at Freemasons Hall in London, an amazing building, and meeting place of many Metropoliton Lodges.

Freemasonary in England, Wales and the Channel Islands is split into Provinces.   Sudbury Lodge being in Middlesex, it falls under The Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex (PGLM), whose headquarters and offices are located in Twickenham.

The web-site is still in its infancy and so continual evolving into what we hope will be a useful resourse for members and visitors alike.   If you need any help or assistance navigating our web-site, or would like to see any particular features, please get in touch.

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